A planning template has been developed to support educators work through possibilities for teaching about food literacy. With the focus on educator’s professional development, it uses an inquiry as the pedagogical approach. An annotated template and various Inquiry ideas have been developed by practicing teachers and are available to those who are interested. These Inquiry ideas will be available free of charge from the resource webpage, on the agreement that FLIP is acknowledged as the source of the materials.
(May 3) Exploring Food Literacy Resources Surrey Home Economics Teachers Association, Surrey, BC.
(March, 11), The world is our home – the food literacy international partnership. Chinese Faculty Exchange Program, UBC. Vancouver, BC.
(October, 23) What does it mean to be food literate? [Conference session]. Washington Annual Family and Consumer Science (FCS) Conference, Vancouver, Washington.
(October, 20). Practical Food Literacy Applications [Conference session]. Teachers of Home Economics Subject Association (THESA) Annual Conference, Whiterock, BC. Audience: Home Economics educators.