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Publications & Presentations


Aydin, G., Margerison, C., Worsley, A., & Booth, A. (2024). A mixed-method study of parents’ views of food and nutrition in Australian primary schools. Health Education, 124 (1/2), 119-136.

Renwick, K., Powell, L.J., & Edwards, G. (2024) Understanding practice architectures in food systems education: A case study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 142.

Blair, S. A., Edwards, G., Yu, K., Jovel, E., Powell, L. J., Renwick, K., & Conklin, A. (2023). What is a school farm? Results of a scoping review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (7), 5332.

Aydin G, Margerison C, Worsley A, Booth A. (2022) Food and nutrition education in Australian primary schools: Parents’ perspectives on why, when and how. Children & Society, 36(5), 715-1110.

Aydin, G., Margerison, C., Worsley, A., & Booth, A. (2022). Australian teachers’ perceptions and experiences of food and nutrition education in primary schools: A qualitative study. Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online), 47(2), 61-75.

Aydin, G., Margerison, C., Worsley, A., & Booth, A. (2022). Essential food and nutrition knowledge and skills for primary school children: Australian parents’ opinions. Health Education, 122(4), 424-439.

Renwick, K. (2022, September). Enabling international collegial conversations and professional development [Paper presentation]. World Congress, International Federation for Home Economics, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Renwick, K. & Nolan, A. (2022, November). Cultivating transnational research partnerships in food literacy education [Paper presentation]. Australian Association for Research in Education, Adelaide, South Australia.

Hård, L., Palojoki, P. & Larsson, C. (2022). Integrated food education in primary school [Poster]. View Poster.

Renwick, K. Powell, L.J. & Edwards, G. (2021). “We are all in this together”: investigating alignments in intersectoral partnerships dedicated to K-12 food literacy education, Health Education Journal, 80(6), 699-711.

Mazac, R., Renwick, K., Seed, B. A. and Black, J. (2021). An approach for integrating and analyzing sustainability in food-based dietary guidelines, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 5, 544072.

Renwick, K. & Smith, M.G. (2020). The political action of food literacy: A scoping review, Journal of Family and Consumer Studies.112 (1), 14-22.

Conference Proceedings

Renwick, K. (2023). Building food literacy projects through teachers’ practice architectures. In M. Edstrom & K. Renwick, (Eds.) Canadian Symposium XVII Issues and Directions for Home Economics/Family Studies/Human Ecology Education. Saskatoon, SK.

Renwick, K. (2021) Who teaches food literacy? In M. Edstrom & K. Renwick, (Eds.) Canadian Symposium XVI Issues and Directions for Home Economics/Family Studies/Human Ecology Education, (pp. 104 – 110). Vancouver: UBC.

Renwick, K. (2019). Food literacy as a way to be in the world. In M Edstrom (Ed.) Canadian Symposium XV Issues and Directions for Home Economics/Family Studies/Human Ecology Education, (pp. 151-158). Vancouver: UBC.

Conference Presentations

Driscoll, E., Aydin, G., Nanayakkara, J., Margerison, C., Bolton, K. A., Grimes, C., & Booth, A. O. (2024). Evaluation of a pilot food education program delivered for children in grade four attending a school located in a disadvantaged area in greater Melbourne. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 83(OCE1), E137.

Kempler, J., Margerison, C., Nanayakkara, J., & Booth, A. (2024). Exploring the use of school-based infrastructure in healthy and sustainable food education. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 83(OCE1), E29.

Driscoll, E., Booth, A., Margerison, C., & Nanayakkara, J. (2023). Food and nutrition education within Australian primary schools. How is it implemented in the classroom?. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 82(OCE2), E169.

Kempler, J., Margerison, C., Nanayakkara, J., & Booth, A. (2023). Food and nutrition education: primary school teaching practices and environments in Australia. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 82(OCE2), E184.

Margerison, C., & Booth, A. (2023). What the FLIP! The Food Literacy International Partnership. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 82(OCE2), E199.

Renwick, K. (2022, November). Teaching and living in the present to create better food futures. [Paper presentation] Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE), Adelaide, SA Australia.

Renwick, K. & Nolan, A. (2022, November). Cultivating transnational research partnerships in food literacy education.  [Paper presentation] Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE), Adelaide, SA Australia.

Renwick, K. (2022, September). Exploring food literacy as critical learning. [Paper presentation] International Federation for Home Economics Congress (IFHE), Atlanta, Georgia USA.